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A weekend of joy, June or August 2026
Awakening Joy workshop
with James Baraz

If you feel like having more Joy, Peace and Well-being in your life this workshop guided by warm-hearted James Baraz, the father of Awakening Joy, is for you

James Baraz, the wonderful, kind, well known and wise meditation teacher is visiting Denmark in August 2025 together with his wife and meditation teacher Jane Baraz.


James has taught mindfulness meditation since 1978 and is co-founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California. He is co-author of two books "Awakening Joy: 10 Steps to a Happier Life" and "Awakening Joy for Kids".

James has taught many retreats and workshops in the US and internationally.


During this Awakening Joy workshop James will guide us on how to cultivate joy and well-being by use of mindfulness. You will be introduced to:

- Joy and Intention setting

- Mindfulness and Joy

- Gratitude as a way to open our hearts

- Joy in difficult times

- Loving ourselves and others

We are genetically wired to look out for danger. In this workshop we will try to help our brain to be on the lookout for the good in life. All in all, cultivating kindness towards ourselves (and others), learning to take in the good moments in life, and inclining our mind to be looking for the good.

The workshop is based on the popular Awakening Joy course invented by James Baraz, that thousands have taken since 2003. (You do not need to know about the book or the course to participate. Everyone can join!)

We will meet in SALIG's premises at Østerbro. Here you will be presented with an interaction between talks, exercises and meditations - all with a focus on training and strengthening the joy in you and in your life.

Practical information:


August, 2025


Saturday 9:30-17:00

Sunday 9:00-16:00



Madsnedøgade 20, 2.sal

2100 Kbh. Ø


DKK 2195,- (as a private person)

DKK 2744,- (as a company)

25% VAT is charged when purchased through companies

Snacks, coffee and tea are included in the price. 

About James Baraz:

James Baraz has been a meditation teacher since 1978. He leads retreats, workshops and classes in the United States and abroad. James is a founding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center where he continues to lead trainings and programs.

James has been leading the online course Awakening Joy since 2003.

"In 2003, I started the Awakening Joy course so that the Buddhist teachings that I’ve so benefited from could be made accessible to and practiced by anyone whether or not they were interested in Buddhist philosophy. My approach has been to present these principles and practices with a particular emphasis on how they can lead to true happiness. I’m grateful that the course has become more popular than I ever could have imagined, with thousands of people from all over the world practicing the principles it offers"

His books include “Awakening Joy” (with Shoshana Alexander) and “Awakening Joy for Kids” (with Michele Lilyanna). 

James lives in Berkeley, California with his wife, Jane. He has two sons and three grandchildren.

In recent years, he has been focusing on Dharma and Climate Change, and serves as an advisor to One Earth Sangha, a website devoted to Buddhist responses to Climate Change. You can find more information about James here:

about Jane Baraz:

Jane Baraz, MA in Psychology, has been a mindfulness practitioner since 1976 when she began sitting vipassana retreats. She was on the Spirit Rock Board of Directors for 8 years, helped start the Spirit Rock Family Program, completed the Dedicated Practitioner's Program and is currently in the Heavenly Messengers Program. Jane teaches Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at UCSF's Osher Center for Integrative Medicine. She's also a trained teacher in Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), which she teaches at the Women's Cancer Resource Center in Oakland and privately in Berkeley. Jane enjoys teaching Awakening Joy workshops with her husband, James Baraz, in California and internationally.

Jeg sad næsten hele weekenden med et smil på mine læber.
James Baraz er en enorm hjertelig, vis og autentisk underviser.
Jeg gik derfra med inspiration til min egen undervisning og med glæde og taknemmelighed i kroppen”

Lisa, deltager i 2022

”Weekend kurset med James Baraz og Dorte blev til en Awakening Joy-oplevelse. Glæden blev vækket. Glæden blev kultiveret i et trygt og godt rum, som Dorte på fineste vis skabte. Her var latter, lethed, tålmod og ikke mindst accept. Tusind tak fordi du faciliterende denne weekend og dette helt enestående møde med James”

~ Anne Marie Beck, Life in Motion

Jane Baraz

Copenhagen Insight Meditation

The workshop is arranged together with Copenhagen Insight Meditation. You can read more about them and all their wonderful activities here

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Mind the Busy Mind by Dorte Olivarius Koustrup I E-mail:  I  Phone: 29 28 77 50

Address:  Strandvænget 15, 2100 København Ø, Denmark

CVR nr. 40713808

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