Morning Meditations
During April, May and June Friendswood Library offers weekly online meditations
Thursdays, 10 am, Houston Time, 5 pm DK time
Zoom link:
The purpose of the morning meditation sessions is to create a place where we can cultivate Peace, Care and Kindness as opposed to fear, panic and anxiety, which so easily take over these Covid-19 days.
Every time there will also be room for sharing and we will practice gratitude – as a way to open our Hearts in these difficult days.
The teacher is Dorte Olivarius Koustrup who used to teach morning meditations when she lived in Friendswood. Right now, she is located in Copenhagen, Denmark and are looking much forward to see both familiar and new faces.
The first session is Thursday, April 9th from 10 am – 11am (5 pm-6 pm in Denmark)
We’ll ”meet” on the Online Platform Zoom. The link for the sessions is:
Make sure to login 5 minutes before so you’ll be ready at 10 am