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Below you'll find a few specific examples of various workshops 
Mind the Busy Mind, also offers alternative workshops - see below

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Cultivating Joy by use of mindfulness
1,5-2,5 hours

Learn to cultivate Joy by the use of Mindfulness 

You will get to know more about mindfulness and how it can help you to increase joy and well-being?

"If our happpiness depends on our own well-being it is limited. But if it can be activated by the happiness of others we increase the possibilities by 7 billion" ~ Dalai Lama


Ps. Exercises and periods of silence will be part of the workshop. 


Self-compassion Workshop:
Attacking ourselves when we already Are struggling 
1,5-2,5 hours

We have a tendency to attack ourselves when we already are challenged. This workshop will put a light on how Mindfulness and Self-Compassion can show us alternative paths to follow in difficult situations.


The teacher will guide you through different self-compassion exercises incl. meditations.  All in all, we will explore how helpful it can be to bring in mindfulness and self-compassion in various situations.


Awakening Joy and Compassion workshop 
A whole day: 6 hours

Awakening Joy is an internationally recognized course, which is designed to awaken joy through various themes and practices that incline the mind toward well-being and deeper insight. You can read more about the workshop here:


During this workshop you will practice Joy and Self-Compassion. 

Exercises and meditations will be part of the workshop. 


Andre mulige workshops-emner

- Hvad du vander gror...

- Taknemmelighed og medfølelse som en hjerteåbner

- Glæde, taknemmelighed og neurale netværk

- At lære at anerkende og holde af dig selv

- Du er god nok, præcis som du er

- Egenomsorg og ro i udfordrende situationer/
Kunsten at blive hjemme

- At give slip for at opnå mere fred


- Etc. 

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